The Belonging Project


What is it?

The Belonging Project is a research and conversation platform committed to exploring the character and nature of belonging.

Together, six practitioners will lead projects that highlight key questions and insights, and our hope is to share and engage those insights with other leaders.


Originating from authors and thought partners of the volume, Crisis and Care: Meditations on Faith and Philanthropy, this initiative is the next step in responding with care to the question of the moment. 

Belonging, at best, is the air we breathe. It isn’t like the air; it is in the very oxygen that fills our lungs to make life possible. We do not exist apart from one another. We cannot breathe apart from our relationship with and to our surrounding ecology. We cannot imagine our life in relation to others without the ancestors that came before us and the great communion that surrounds us..

Belonging is the question of this generation.

Like the air we breathe, belonging is also a matter of life and death.

We’ve gathered our voices to invite you into this project because we believe that belonging matters now more than ever. We also believe a better way is possible.


Belonging is vital not just for thriving but for surviving.


The stakes are high. Without belonging, we cease to live.


Belonging is my grandma calling me mijo.


God is love, and love is expressed in connection.


Belonging is vital not just for thriving but for surviving.


How we relate to our bodies and money impacts our ability to belong.


Belonging is vital not just for thriving but for surviving. 〰️ The stakes are high. Without belonging, we cease to live. 〰️ Belonging is my grandma calling me mijo. 〰️ God is love, and love is expressed in connection. 〰️ Belonging is vital not just for thriving but for surviving. 〰️ How we relate to our bodies and money impacts our ability to belong. 〰️

